Buy .style domain name at good price

Check and register domains for your best ideas

Free .ro .com .eu domains
28.59 / 1 year *
.ro  (with diacritics **)
6.90 / 1 year *
11.99 / 1 year *
4.90 / 1 year *
7.90 / 1 year *
185.16 / 2 years *
3.29 / 1 year *
20.27 / 1 year *

* Domain registration prices are calculated at the BNR exchange rate on the day of purchase and do not include VAT. The price is valid for domain registration and may differ for renewal or transfer.
** According to ROTLD rules, .RO domains do not allow the characters ş and ţ (s and t with cedilla). Please use ș and ț instead (s and t with a comma underneath)

Details about domain .style

The authority that manages each domain establishes the rules for domain registration.

  • The domain .style is available for purchases of at least 1 year.
  • The domain .style can be purchased for a maximum period of 1 year.
  • The domain .style doesn't involve any additional setup costs.
  • The domain .style can only be transferred from one provider to another at an additional cost.
  • SSL certificate required: optional.
Details about domain .style

Domain registration policy

  • All domains purchased through Zooku are registered in the customer's name
  • Attention! The domains ordered and paid via credit card are automatically reserved and no further modifications can be made!

Over 36,000 domains registered through Zooku

  • the best prices on the market
  • EURid, EuroDNS, RoTLD accredited registrar
  • over 22 years experience in domain registration, renewal and transfer

A well-chosen domain name makes the difference

Finding the right domain name for your website is an important step. With so many websites in the online environment, you have to be unique if you want to achieve your goals. To simplify this process, which can take some time, we have chosen the most important recommendations for selecting an ideal domain name

  • as short as possible
  • interesting, attractive
  • easy to pronounce and write
  • avoid similarity to other domains
  • do not violate property rights
  • if possible, avoid dashes "-"
  • no numbers, if not necessary
  • be creative
  • choose a memorable name, if you want it to be brandable, and the main promotion strategy is to display banners or paid advertisements
  • add the main word of the activity to make it easier for users to find your website, if the main source of traffic is from search engines

Domain registration steps

  • Check if the searched domain name is available
  • Place the order for the desired domain extensions
  • .RO domains are automatically reserved when a firm order is placed and are blocked for 30 days
  • The final registration of domain names will be made after payment confirmation is received

We also offer renewal services, transfer and unlocking for domains.

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