
High performance web hosting on Romanian servers

CB3 Hosting
CB3 Hosting - cPanel
1.90 (2.00)
euro / month *
SSD disk space 3 GB
Network traffic unlimited
Minimum uptime 99.99 %
Hosted domains 3
Email users 60 account
Hosting migration free
Backup daily
Newsletter free
Sendmachine free
Node.js, Python, Ruby Yes
CB10 Hosting
CB10 Hosting - cPanel
3.80 (6.00)
euro / month *
SSD disk space 10 GB
Network traffic unlimited
Minimum uptime 99.99 %
Hosted domains 10
Email users 200 account
Hosting migration free
Backup daily
Newsletter free
Sendmachine free
Node.js, Python, Ruby Yes
CB30 Hosting
CB30 Hosting - cPanel
11.40 (16.00)
euro / month *
SSD disk space 30 GB
Network traffic unlimited
Minimum uptime 99.99 %
Hosted domains 30
Email users unlimited
Hosting migration free
Backup daily
Newsletter free
Sendmachine free
Node.js, Python, Ruby Yes
CB60 Hosting
CB60 Hosting - cPanel
18.05 (29.00)
euro / month *
SSD disk space 60 GB
Network traffic unlimited
Minimum uptime 99.99 %
Hosted domains 60
Email users unlimited
Hosting migration free
Backup daily
Newsletter free
Sendmachine free
Node.js, Python, Ruby Yes
CB100 Hosting
CB100 Hosting - cPanel
33.25 (48.00)
euro / month *
SSD disk space 100 GB
Network traffic unlimited
Minimum uptime 99.99 %
Hosted domains 100
Email users unlimited
Hosting migration free
Backup daily
Newsletter free
Sendmachine free
Node.js, Python, Ruby Yes
* Price without VAT valid for a new purchase for 12 months. For longer periods, we offer discounts. The migration of your website on our servers is free, for the annual subscription purchased, except complex websites. A Limited-Time Offer. Renewal is at the full price.

Affordable VPS Hosting in Romania

Affordable VPS Hosting in Romania

The Ideal Solution for Your Business

Experience cheap VPS hosting without compromising on quality,
with top servers in our data center in Romania.

Benefits of using the hosting services at Zooku

  • Quality and stability
  • User-friendly control panel
  • Fast loading pages

Be Part of the Digital Future!

Choose an .ai Domain

The acquisition of .ai domains has seen significant growth lately, particularly among companies and startups in the field of artificial intelligence. These domains offer a unique opportunity to showcase a modern and professional image, emphasizing their dedication to innovation and the latest technologies.

Choose a domain that defines the future and places you at the leading edge of the digital revolution. With an .ai domain, you're taking a significant step towards success and gaining recognition in the global tech landscape!

Over 36,000 domains registered through Zooku

Since 2003 in business 100% romanian Customer loyalty

All you need to connect with the world

Flawless support. A technical and support team with over 10 years experience offers guidance and solutions

Stability. All data is stored in the cloud and is distributed on different servers, in order to ensure high stability and to benefit from multiple resources

Security. We are constantly monitoring the services we offer and our goal is to continuously improve our customer protection

Speed. Your website hosted at Zooku will work more efficiently and will load very quickly, due to the unique techniques that we have perfected

Independence. Web hosting on servers in Romania and daily backups on our own servers: we do not depend on other service providers

Zooku Blog. We have a blog with a lot of useful information, which will simplify your online life

Zooku is proud to be trusted by

Latest blog posts

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Susținem Cultura Locală: Participarea Noastră la Festivalul Interna ...

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