Have you wanted your own website or blog for a long time but you have difficulties because you do not know exactly where to start? Things have significantly evolved when it comes to creating websites to be present in the online environment. Although several years ago, only an experienced programmer could do it, now the possibilities are unlimited; with minimal guidance, you too could create your own website. We are here to guide you through the essential steps, so you'll have your long desired site as quickly as possible.
1) Choose a platform to build your website
Previously, you had to find HTML, PHP, CSS or Flash programming experts, even for the simplest sites. The other option was to learn these things yourself, then make your site the way you wanted: a little complicated, right?
Don't be mistaken ...programmers are still needed today, particularly for more complicated websites, such as those for commercial purposes, but with some basic knowledge, anyone can create a presentation site or a blog where they can present their work or services.
Currently, there are CMS (Content Management Systems) such as WordPress, as a result of which, the creation of a site is accessible to anyone. A CMS (or website creation platform) is an intelligent platform for building a site from scratch and managing it without having to write dozens of HTML pages.
There are three large platforms that are commonly used:
As you can see from the statistics, WordPress is the preferred platform for most site owners because it has numerous advantages:
To build a site, you can also use Joomla or Drupal, which are very powerful platforms, but require extra knowledge compared to WordPress.
For beginners and more advanced users, we recommend you stick with WordPress because it is flexible and gives you everything you need without requiring too much effort.HOW TO INSTALL WordPress
If you choose to host your new site at Zooku, you can install WordPress or another platform with just one click. Sounds good, right? Just choose the domain that you want and in a few moments the platform is installed.
Once you've implemented these steps, you can start shaping your website by installing a theme. After installing WordPress, the default setting is a blog style theme, but it is possible that it will not fit your requirements, particularly if you want a presentation site. As we said previously, there are so many free themes to choose from, that you will not have time to examine them all. Therefore, you have a lot of options to choose the perfect theme for your project.
More details about the following settings, plugins, adding posts, content or pages, can be found in the article First steps with WordPress.
Let's proceed to the next step ...2) Find an attractive domain name
Besides the web hosting that was previously discussed, you also need a domain name in order to launch a website in the online environment (e.g., domainname.com, domainname.ro, etc.). You can see more extensions for domain registration HERE.
When choosing the domain name, you have many possibilities, but you need to keep several in mind useful tips, particularly if you are buying a domain for the first time:
3) Choose a suitable hosting package for your site
What is web hosting? It`s a service that makes it possible for your site to be present in the online environment. Think about hosting as the land that you buy before you can start building a house. Hosting is the service that connects your website to the Internet.
It`s important to choose a hosting plan from a trusted provider so that the website is constantly active and will work normally when visitors arrive. It`s not necessary to break the bank, because the hosting plans have affordable prices, depending on your requirements. You can choose from web hosting packages, SSD hosting for large websites or special packages for websites made on the WordPress platform.
A hosting package is chosen according to the specific needs of your website from the outset and, as your website evolves and requires more resources, you can switch to a higher package.
Not sure which package is best for you? Ask us and we'll help you with pleasure!